What We Offer

Kibz Vision Marketing Agency, headquartered in the vibrant city of Kampala, Uganda, stands as a beacon of innovative marketing solutions tailored to both local and international clients. With a robust portfolio of services spanning both below and above the line marketing strategies, they offer a comprehensive suite of solutions to propel brands to new heights.


Product Launch

The agency specializes in orchestrating impactful product launches that captivate audiences and generate excitement. From conceptualization to execution, Kibz Vision ensures that each launch is a memorable event that leaves a lasting impression.


Is another forte of Kibz Vision, where they skillfully design and arrange product displays to maximize visibility and drive sales.

Road Shows and Drives

This is where they take marketing directly to the streets, engaging with communities and spreading brand awareness through interactive experiences.

Flat Bed Activations

This is where they transform mobile platforms into dynamic stages for promotional events, ensuring that brands can reach audiences in any location with creativity and flair.

Event Management

It is at the core of Kibz Vision’s capabilities, with a dedicated team orchestrating seamless experiences for clients. From corporate gatherings to extravagant festivals, they handle every aspect with precision and professionalism

Concept Development and Execution

It is where Kibz Vision truly shines, working closely with clients to bring their visions to life through innovative strategies and compelling campaigns. They specialize in crafting narratives that resonate with target audiences, ensuring that every marketing initiative delivers tangible results

Product Exhibitions

Kibz Vision excels in organizing product exhibitions that showcase brands in their best light, providing platforms for interaction and engagement with potential customers.

Press Conferences

Their expertise in handling press conferences ensures that clients can effectively communicate their messages to the media and the public, enhancing brand visibility and reputation.